Does technological innovation improve or corrupt morality This question feels like a question from a college philosophy class, I think it is a real concern for thinkers and technologists. Internet technologies and the introduction of smartphones, and social media is now attached to phones, computers, and tablets, everyone is connected to each other the …

Blog Task 4 Blog B
Where do memes come from? The actual term meme was coined in 1976 by Richard Dawkins in his book The Selfish Gene (The behavioral equivalent of a gene) he was basically saying that memes are not always copied perfectly they might become refined combined or otherwise modified with other ideas which result in new memes …

Colour grading setting emotions with colour
Colour grading setting emotions with colour This is a big topic and seriously 700 words is not enough to do this blog First, you need to understand colour and how it makes things pop and highlight things. Then you need to understand hue, saturation & Chroma, and brightness & lightness, opacity clarity. Then you …

Aesthetics with lighting setting mood
Blog Task 3 Part A BLOG POST A Aesthetics and effect with lighting We have all watched Movies, T.V, Cartoons, 3d animations and have played computers games in some sort or another over the years and have seen architectural lighting in buildings houses and scenic views when driving. Setting mood with lighting is something …

Blog Task 2 Part B option 8
Blog Post B Semiotics Ferdinand de Saussure is the man who created the mainstream early understandings of linguistics and semiology. Saussure argued that the sign was the basic unit of language, which consisted of two parts being the signified and the signifier Semiotics, put simply, is the study of how an idea or object communicates …

Blog Task 2 Part A Option One
Thank you Sophia for picking up my mistake i added the wrong template lmao still learning wordpress.. Discuss postmodernism and the popularity of available meaning in contemporary media. Postmodernism in film generally ranges from the 1960s to the 2000s, there have been plenty of film examples in the 21st century. Films the likes of …

Prescribed BLOG TASK B ARE VIDEO GAMES ART I consider games art I consider them more artistic than some movies I have seen it is more on an interactive level we get to enjoy the art design and characters made in the game so yes I think Games are ART. What constitutes art? Art constitutes …

Prescribed BLOG TASK A
Concept of the culture industry ‘Culture industry, a term coined by Adorno & Horkheim, refers to popular culture being akin to factories that produce standardized cultural goods (Films, Radio, Magazines) used to manipulate mass society in various ways. I think that they were pretty much in the right area as society changes and technology changes …